A six-fold paper screen painted in ink and colour on a gold ground with a covey of uzura (quails) and chicks amongst kibi (millet), grasses, nokongiku (aster) and tampopo (dandelion).
Japan, 18th/19th century, Edo period.
In Japan uzura (quails) are emblematic of autumn, fruitfulness and also symbolise martial valour due to their fighting spirit. They have been mentioned in poems and literature since early times such as Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters, a collection of myths compiled in 712), Manyōshū, (Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves, the Japanese oldest collection of poetry from the late 8th century) and Ise Monogatari (Tales of Ise, a collection of poems and narratives from the Heian period, 9th-10th century). A popular motif for paintings especially from the Muromachi period onwards they are usually depicted with millet or autumnal grasses and their popularity in the artworks continues to this day.
Millet is also associated with autumn and was introduced from the mainland to Japan during the Yayoi period (900BC – 250AD).
A two-fold screen with the Uji River and its bridge
An eight-fold screen depicting flowers of the four seasons
A six-fold screen with a cherry tree
A two-fold screen with a river landscape
A six-fold screen with a covey of uzura and chicks
A six-fold screen with grape vines
A two-fold screen with chrysanthemums
A pair of six-fold paper screens with the Plains at Musashino
A pair of four-fold screens with kuri flowers
A two-fold screen with court ladies
Four fusuma by Nagasawa Rosetsu
A six-fold screen with autumn flowers and grasses
A six-fold paper screen with poem slips
A pair of six-fold screens with scattered fans
A paper screen with the Uji river and its bridge
A pair of six-fold screens with poem slips from the 17th century
A two-fold lacquer screen with a persimmon tree
A six-fold paper screen with the Plains at Musashino