Private collection, Italie
A two-fold paper screen painted in ink and colour on a gold ground with Sanjūrokkasen (Thirty-Six Immortal Poets) seated before a kicho (portable curtain).
Rimpa School.
Japan, 19th Century, Edo period.
Title: Screen Painting of 36 Poets by Shū Kosan.
This subject matter in a screen format is extremely rare, there are only six known examples this being the most recently discovered version.

A two-fold screen with the Uji River and its bridge

An eight-fold screen depicting flowers of the four seasons

A six-fold screen with a cherry tree

A six-fold paper screen with the Plains at Musashino

A two-fold screen with a river landscape

A six-fold screen with a covey of uzura and chicks

A six-fold screen with grape vines

A two-fold screen with chrysanthemums

A pair of six-fold paper screens with the Plains at Musashino

A pair of four-fold screens with kuri flowers

A two-fold screen with court ladies

Four fusuma by Nagasawa Rosetsu

A six-fold screen with autumn flowers and grasses

A six-fold paper screen with poem slips

A pair of six-fold screens with scattered fans

A paper screen with the Uji river and its bridge

A pair of six-fold screens with poem slips from the 17th century

A two-fold lacquer screen with a persimmon tree