About the gallery
Gregg Baker Asian Art established in 1985 specialises in Japanese art. We are now located in Brussels and open by appointment only. Our mission is to promote the beauty and versatility of Japanese art focusing on antique Japanese screens, early Buddhist sculpture and classical works of art. With over 35 years of experience in traditional Japanese art, the gallery also carries works from the post-war era, presenting abstract painting, sculpture and calligraphy by leading Japanese artists of the mid-20th century, an important area of Japanese art which is currently being rediscovered by art lovers across the globe. We hold regular exhibitions at the gallery and participate in several international art fairs including TEFAF Maastricht, Printemps Asiatique, Civilisations... The gallery is instrumental in building collections for an international clientele, as well as finding works for institutions and museums in Great Britain, U.S.A., Netherlands, Germany, France, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates and Japan.

Team Members

7 Place du Samedi 1000 Brussels Belgium
Tel: +32 (0) 469 49 84 89 (FaceTime, Skype and What's app)
* We are now located in Brussels, Belgium (Place du Samedi 7) and welcome you in our private space by appointment only. For any inquiries or to make an appointment, please contact us at info@japanesescreens.com
Photography credits: Matt Pia Brice Vandermeeren Dahmane Janet Pollet Web developer: Louise Picot Graphic design: Sarah Niang Studio